Friday, September 16, 2011

Malmsteen, Vai or Satriani

When I really started getting into music I was introduced to three Guitar Wizards as I call them. Yngwie Malmsteen, Steve Vai and Joe Satriani. So when G3 Live: Rockin' in the Free World came out with all three guys on it you can imagine how great I thought that was. All three have different styles and have evolved in different ways over the years. When I started listening to heavy metal Malmsteen was the man. Vai came along and gained importance and popularity with David Lee Roth and Satriani started to release things much later in the 1980s. Here is my take on all three.

Yngwie Malmsteen is from Sweden and not some alien planet by his name but when I first started finding my way into music this man was number one on a guitar. From a classical background he was with a guitar like Amadeus was with a piano. The first Rising Force albums back in the day I thought were just ok except for the sizzling guitars of Malmsteen. However as I got older I look back and think wow Jeff Scott Soto could sing. Malmsteen could always find singers that would fit his style and that in my opinion is where his stuff is best. Don’t get me wrong as I’ve learned and gotten older I look back and think Malmsteen needs someone on vocals. I’ve listened to his stuff for years and even though his guitar instrumentals are amazing and some stand out more than others you see they are the same to me. Not sure why but all of them are mostly him playing the guitar as fast as he can. I still think he is great but when you put somebody like Soto, Joe Lynn Turner and even Ripper Owens his stuff really shines. Yngwie I still like you but I have moved on from the blazing fast guitars.

In My Opinion:

Best Songs:

Heaven Tonight
Like An Angel
Alone In Paradise
Queen In Love

Best Album:

The Odyssey w/Joe Lynn Turner on vocals. (Joe rocks and is one of my all-time favorite singers)

Moving on now to Steve Vai. What can you say about Vai besides he can play a great guitar. I first heard of Steve Vai when he joined David Lee Roth’s solo band. Instantly I liked him. Different look and different sound. Then found out he had a solo album and had played for Frank Zappa. I went out and grabbed the solo album but not a Zappa fan. Sorry. However it was the movie Crossroads with Ralph (I never get old) Macchio that I truly grew respect for this man. The headhunters duel was just awesome. I remember seeing this and though man he can play. Then I was told he was playing both parts. Awesome I thought! Vai would go on and play for Whitesnake and then get his solo career in order. Vai was one who liked to just have fun while playing. But he also came up with some really strange things in his music. Some of it is ok but to me he gets off track way too much. He puts funny things into his songs and while some people might enjoy it I find it annoying and distracting. I still like him but less is better. Plus he has started to get to me where I can’t tell a difference in his music. I wish he would go back to more of his music from The Audience Is Listening. But he did learn from out last person here.

In My Opinion:

Best songs:

Headhunters Duel
Salamanders In The Sun
The Audience Is Listening
Building The Church
Still My Bleeding Heart

Best Album:

Sex & Religion

Joe Satriani was nothing to me when I first heard him. I likes Satch Boogie. However I was not impressed. A few years back I decided to add Surfing With The Alien and Not Of This Earth back into my collection. I was listening and thinking this is great stuff. Why did I not like it years ago. I then started putting together all his music. Let me tell you this guy is a musical genius. He can play anything and everything. In the last year I have listened to more stuff my him than Malmsteen and Vai put together. Joe needs no one on vocals and he doesn’t need some funny stuff in his songs. Now every so often he does but him just him playing guitar is enough to mesmerize you. I really think Satriani is the man and I think anyone who doesn’t have a Joe Satriani song should go out and get something by him. Truly he is the king of the Guitar Wizards.

In My Opinion:

Best Songs:

Satch Boogie
Always With Me, Always With You
I Believe
Crush of Love

Best Album:

Surfing With The Alien

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